Plasma Membrane 1 I. Overview—The Plasma Membrane (Plasmalemma; Cell Membrane) 1 II. Fluid Mosaic Model of the Plasma Membrane 1 III. Plasma Membrane Transport Processes 5 IV. Cell-to-Cell Communication 7 V. Plasmalemma–Cytoskeleton Association 9 Review Test 12
Nucleus 15 I. Overview—The Nucleus 15 II. Nuclear Envelope 15 III. Nucleolus 18 IV. Nucleoplasm 18 V. Chromatin 19 VI. Chromosomes 20 VII. DNA 21 VIII. RNA 22 IX. Cell Cycle 25 X. Apoptosis (Programmed Cell Death) 28 XI. Meiosis 29 Review Test 31
C ytoplasm and Organelles 33 I. Overview—The Cytoplasm 33 II. Structural Components 33 III. Interactions among Organelles 49 Review Test 58
Ext racellular Matrix 61 I. Overview—The Extracellular Matrix 61 II. Ground Substance 61 III. Fibers 64 Review Test 72
Epith elia and Glands 75 I. Overview—Epithelia 75 II. Lateral Epithelial Surfaces 77 III. Basal Epithelial Surfaces 80 IV. Apical Epithelial Surfaces 83 V. Glands 87 Review Test 89
C onnective Tissue 92 I. Overview—Connective Tissue 92 II. Extracellular Matrix 92 III. Connective Tissue Cells 93 IV. Classification of Connective Tissue 99 Review Test 103
C artilage and Bone 106 I. Overview—Cartilage 106 II. Overview—Bone 110 III. Joints 120 Review Test 121
Muscle 124 I. Overview—Muscle 124 II. Structure of Skeletal Muscle 124 III. Contraction of Skeletal Muscle 130 IV. Innervation of Skeletal Muscle 132 V. Cardiac Muscle 133 VI. Smooth Muscle 135 VII. Contractile Nonmuscle Cells 139 Review Test 140
N ervous System 143 I. Overview—Nervous System 143 II. Histogenesis of the Nervous System 143 III. Cells of Nervous System 145 IV. Synapses 151 V. Nerve Fibers 152 VI. Nerves 153 VII. Ganglia 155 VIII. Histophysiology of Nervous System 155 IX. Somatic Nervous System and Autonomic Nervous System 157 X. Central Nervous System 158 XI. Degeneration and Regeneration of Nerve Tissue 160 Review Test 162
Bl ood and Hemopoiesis 166 I. Overview—Blood 166 II. Blood Constituents 166 III. Blood Coagulation 172 IV. Bone Marrow 174 V. Prenatal Hemopoiesis 175 VI. Postnatal Hemopoiesis 175 VII. Hemopoietic Growth Factors (Csfs) 179 Review Test 181
Ci rculatory System 184 I. Overview—Blood Vascular System 184 II. Overview—Lymphatic Vascular System 195 Review Test 196
Lymphoid Tissue 199 I. Overview—The Lymphoid (Immune) System 199 II. Cells of the Immune System 201 III. Antigen Presentation and the Role of MHC Molecules 209 IV. Immunoglobulins 210 V. Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue 211 VI. Lymphoid Organs 212 Review Test 218
E ndocrine System 221 I. Overview—The Endocrine System 221 II. Hormones 221 III. Overview—Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis) and Hypothalamus 222 IV. Overview—Thyroid Gland 228 V. Parathyroid Glands 232 VI. Overview—Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands 234 VII. Pineal Gland (Pineal Body, Epiphysis) 237 Review Test 239
Skin 242 I. Overview—The Skin 242 II. Epidermis 242 III. Dermis 248 IV. Glands in the Skin 249 V. Hair, Hair Follicle, and Arrector Pili Muscle 251 VI. Nails 252 Review Test 254
R espiratory System 257 I. Overview—The Respiratory System 257 II. Conducting Portion of the Respiratory System 257 III. Overview—Respiratory Portion of the Respiratory System 262 IV. Lung Lobules 269 V. Pulmonary Vascular Supply 269 VI. Pulmonary Nerve Supply 269 Review Test 270
Digestive System: Oral Cavity and Ali mentary Tract 273 I. Overview—The Digestive System 273 II. Oral Region 273 III. Divisions of the Alimentary Canal 278 IV. Digestion and Absorption 289 Review Test 291
Digestive System: Glands 294 I. Overview—Extrinsic Glands of the Digestive System 294 II. Major Salivary Glands 294 III. Overview—Pancreas 296 IV. Liver 299 V. Gallbladder 304 Review Test 306
The Urinary System 309 I. Overview—The Urinary System 309 II. Kidneys 309 III. Uriniferous Tubules 310 IV. Renal Blood Circulation 320 V. Regulation of Urine Concentration 321 VI. Excretory Passages 324 Review Test 327
Female Reproductive System 330 I. Overview—Female Reproductive System 330 II. Ovaries 330 III. Oviducts (Fallopian Tubes) 338 IV. Uterus 339 V. Cervix 341 VI. Fertilization and Implantation 342 VII. Placenta 343 VIII. Vagina 345 IX. External Genitalia (Vulva) 345 X. Mammary Glands 346 Review Test 348
M ale Reproductive System 350 I. Overview—Male Reproductive System 350 II. Testes 350 III. Genital Ducts 357 IV. Accessory Genital Glands 359 V. Urethra 361 VI. Penis 362 Review Test 363
Sp ecial Senses 366 I. Overview—Special Sense Receptors 366 II. Specialized Diffuse Receptors 366 III. Sense of Sight—Eye 368 IV. Sense of Hearing—Ear (Vestibulocochlear Apparatus) 378 Review Test 384 Comprehensive Examination 387 Index 405