
part 1 Introduction 1

  1. General introduction 3
    part 2 The upper limb 21
  2. Introduction to the upper limb 23
  3. The pectoral region and axilla 25
  4. The back 43
  5. The free upper limb 53
  6. The shoulder 69
  7. The arm 85
  8. The forearm and hand 93
  9. The joints of the upper limb 127
  10. The nerves of the upper limb 143
  11. MCQs for part 2: The upper limb 151
    part 3 The lower limb 155
  12. Introduction to the lower limb 157
  13. The front and medial side of the thigh 159
  14. The gluteal region 187
  15. The popliteal fossa 199
  16. The back of the thigh 207
  17. The hip joint 211
  18. The leg and foot 219
  19. The joints of the lower limb 259
  20. The nerves of the lower limb 283
  21. MCQs for part 3: The lower limb 289
    Answers to MCQs 293
    Index 295

Table of content

Below is the complete table of contents presented in Cunningham’s manual of practical anatomy volume 1 16th edition

Part 1: Introduction

  1. General introduction

Part 2: The upper limb

  1. Introduction to upper limb
  2. The pectoral region and axilla
  3. The back
  4. The free upper limb
  5. The shoulder
  6. The arm
  7. The forearm and hand
  8. The joints of the upper limb
  9. The nerves of the upper limb
  10. MCQ for part 2: the upper limb

Part 3: the lower limb

  1. Introduction to lower limb
  2. The front and medial side of the thigh
  3. The gluteal region
  4. The popliteal fossa
  5. The back of the thigh
  6. The hip joint
  7. The leg and foot
  8. The joint of the lower limb
  9. The nerves of the lower limb
  10. MCQ for part 3: the upper limb

Cunningham’s manual of practical anatomy volume 1

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