Muscular Movements Of Eye
- Three pairs of muscle
– Medial and lateral recti - Move side by side
– Superior and inferior recti - Move eyeball up and down
– Superior and inferior oblique - Rotate the eyeball
- Nuclei of nerves supplying extraocular are present in brainstem
- Neural connection by medial longitudenal fasiculus
- Cortical control of oculomotor apparatus to occipital lobe
- By
– Occipitotectal tract– to pretectal area
– Occipitocollicular tract– to superior colliculus - Body equilibrium control to oculomotor system(vestibular
nuclei via medial longitudenal fasiculus)
Fixation Movements
- Eye to fix on a discrete portion of field of vision
– Involuntary fixation mechanisms
– Voluntary fixation mechanisms
Voluntary fixation movements
- Voluntary fixation movements are controlled by
– Bilaterally in premotor field of frontal cortex - Lesion to the area leads to locking at one point of fixation and
unable to move to other
- fixation mechanism “lock” on the object of focus– controlled
by secondary visual areas in the occipital cortex - located mainly anterior to the primary visual cortex
- Lesion of fixation area is destroyed bilaterally fixation become
partially or completely
Involuntary fixation movements
- Three types of continuous involuntary movements
- Continuous tremor (30-80 cycles/sec)
Caused by successive contractions of motor units in ocular muscles - Slow drift of the eyeballs in either direction
- Sudden flicking movements
- Spot of light fixed on the foveal region of retina
- Tremulous movements move the spot at a rapid rate
- Drifting movements cause slow movement across the cones
- As the image move to the periphery flickering movement
suddenly brings it back to the center - Automatic response moves the image back toward the central
point of vision
Saccidic Movements
- Visual scene is moving requires fixation on every other point in
visual field - Jumping of focus from one to the next at a rate of two to three
jumps per second—saccades - Movements– opticokinetic movements
- Rapidity of saccades 10% of time is spent in moving the eyes
- 90% of the time being allocated to the fixation sites
Pursuit Movement
- Eyes remain fixed on a moving object—pursuit movement
- Cortical mechanism automatically detects the movement of
object and develops same change in the eye - Object is moving up and down in a wavelike form initially eye is
unable to fixate it within few seconds image perception
becomes smooth - High degree of automatic subconscious computational ability
by the pursuit system for controlling eye movements
Superior Colliculi
- Involuntary fixation mechanism
- Turning the eyes and head toward a visual disturbance
Analysis Of Visual Information
- The Fast “Position” and “Motion” Pathway
- The Accurate Color Pathway
- Analysis of Third-Dimensional Position, Gross Form, and Motion
of Objects
analyzes - third-dimensional positions of visual objects in space
– Overlap with somatic association area - gross physical form of the visual scene and movement
– Y ganglion cells but no color - From primary visual cortex signals move to posterior midtemporal
area and occipitoparietal cortex.
Analysis of visual color and detail
- Signals from primary visual cortex into secondary visual areas
of the inferior, ventral, and medial regions of the occipital and
temporal cortex - analysis of visual detail and color
- pathway also tells about recognizing letters, reading, texture of
surfaces, - Analysis of the information
Analysis of Contrasts in the Visual Image
- Areas of maximum excitation occur along the sharp borders of
the visual pattern - Intensity of stimulation is directly proportional to contrast
Analysis of direction in the Visual Image
- Simple Cells – Orientation of Lines and Borders and colors
– Present in layer IV - Complex Cells – Line is displaced laterally or vertically in the
Visual Field
– Complex contrasts are detected by these cells
- Squint or Cross-eye
- Lack of fusion of the eyes
- Abnormally set patterns of conjugate movements
- Suppression of image from a repressed eye
- Permanent loss of vision with out organic disease in children
(up to 6 years ) - Strabismus
- Severe refractive errors at birth
Horner Syndrome
- Interruption in sympathetic fibers– cervical sympathetic chain
- Fibers to dilator pupillae are interrupted—constriction of pupil
- Drooping of eyelid– smooth muscles in upperlid, innervated by
sympathetics - Blood vessels of corresponding side are dilated
- Sweating doesn’t occur on affected side
Argyll Robertson Pupil
- Final nerve fibers in the pathway through the pretectal area to
the Edinger-Westphal nucleus –Inhibitory type - inhibitory effect is lost, the nucleus become active, pupils
remain constricted, failure to respond to light - Cause: Syphilis
- Respond to accommodation reflex but not to light reflex
Autonomic Control of Eye
- Parasympathetic Nerves
- Control focusing – Cilary muscles
- Constrict pupil – Sphincter of iris
- Sympathetic Nerves
- Radial fibers of iris – Dilates pupil
Control of Pupillary Diameter - Miosis – constriction – 1.5 mm
- Mydriasis – dilation – 8 mm