List of figures ix
List of tables xi
Contributors xiii
Acknowledgements xix
Foreword by Mike Nolan xxi
Introduction 1
Models of community support and practice values 5
1 Models of community support for people with dementia 7
Where does the CMHN fit in?
Sean Page, John Keady and Charlotte L. Clarke
2 How others see us 25
General practitioner reflections on the role and value of the community
mental health nurse in dementia care
Steve Iliffe
3 Beyond respite 40
Working in collaboration with younger people with dementia and their
families in designing support services that ‘enhance life’
Vivienne Davies-Quarrell, Linda Jones and Gary Jones
4 The right route 48
Service user involvement in care pathways
Sue Gunstone and Jeannie Robinson
5 Legal and ethical considerations in the role of the CHMN 61
Dee Jones
6 Ethnic minority communities and the experience of dementia 76
A review and implications for practice
Jenny Mackenzie
7 An inclusive and relationship-centred approach to community mental health
nursing to people with dementia and their family carers 89
Trevor Adams and Paula Gardiner
Professional role and clinical work 107
8 The Alzheimer’s Medication Service 109
Developing an early intervention service in a rural community
Diane Beavis
9 Nurse prescribing and the CHMN 125
Assuming new responsibilities in dementia treatment
Sean Page
10 Rural practice, dementia and CHMN activity 142
An Irish perspective
Aine Farrell, Suzanne Cahill and Shane Burke
11 Younger people with dementia 152
Emerging needs, multi-disciplinarity and the CHMN
Jan Reed, Charlotte L. Clarke, Caroline Cantley and David Stanley
12 The CHMN: pathways for assessing vulnerability and abuse in dementia care 169
Simon T. O’Donovan
13 Supporting people with a learning disability and dementia 188
The role of the community learning disability nurse
Fiona Wilkie, Catherine Brannan, Kenneth Day and Heather Wilkinson
14 The role of the community mental health nurse and the creative arts 206
Kevin G. Wood
15 The community mental health nurse in the care home sector 218
Issues of assessment and intervention
Caroline Baker and Dawn Brooker
16 Assertive outreach and the CHMN 232
A role for the future?
Caroline Cantley and Peter Caswell
17 ‘A third way?’ Challenging behaviour and the development of CHMN services 245
Case site examples from Hong Kong, China and Manchester, UK
Cordelia Man-Yuk Kwok and Philip Hardman
18 Matters of the heart 260
The CHMN and palliative care
Kay de Vries
vi Contents
19 At the margins of society 272
Social exclusion and the experience of dementia: some reflections and
challenges to CHMN practice
Sean Page and Philip Hardman
Moving forward 293
Changing and developing CHMN practice
20 The community mental health nurse in dementia care 295
Educational opportunities and future role preparation
Emma Pritchard and Sue Ashcroft-Simpson
21 Out of our history and into our future 314
Reflections on developing CHMN practice
Charlotte L. Clarke
22 Signposts to the future 327
Some personal reflections and messages for CHMN practice
John Keady, Charlotte L. Clarke, Sean Page and Trevor Adams