Course Contents
Sr. | Title |
1 | Google Cloud Platform Tutorial | What is Google Cloud Platform | GCP Training | Edureka |
2 | Top 10 Reasons to Learn Google Cloud Platform in 2021| Google Cloud Architect Training | Edureka |
3 | Google Cloud Certification | Google Cloud Certification path | GCP Certification Training | Edureka |
4 | What Is Google Cloud Platform | Google Cloud Platform Overview | GCP Training | Edureka |
5 | Google Compute Engine Tutorial | Google Compute Services Overview | GCP Training | Edureka |
6 | Google Cloud Networking | Google Cloud VPC | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka |
7 | Google Cloud App Engine | Google App Engine Tutorial | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka |
8 | GCP Interview Questions | Top 50 Google Cloud Interview Questions & Answers | GCP Training | Edureka |
9 | GCP Terraform Tutorial | What Is Terraform | Terraform With Google Cloud Platform (GCP) | Edureka |
10 | Google Kubernetes Engine Tutorial | What Is Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) | GCP Training | Edureka |
11 | Google Cloud AI Platform Tutorial | Google Cloud AI Platform Overview | GCP Training | Edureka |
12 | GCP Best Practices | Cloud Security Best Practices | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka |
13 | How to Host a WordPress Website on Google Cloud for Free | Google Cloud Training | Edureka |
14 | Google Cloud Anthos | Introduction To Anthos (Components, Features, Benefits) | Edureka |
15 | AWS vs Azure vs GCP | Amazon Web Services vs Microsoft Azure vs Google Cloud Platform | Edureka |
16 | What is Google Cloud Platform | Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals Certification | Edureka |
17 | Google Cloud Platform Tutorial | Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals | GCP Training | Edureka |
18 | Edureka Learner Testimonial – Balasubramaniam’s Success Story |
19 | On Premise vs Cloud Computing | Cloud Certification Training | Edureka |
20 | Google Cloud Platform Training | Introduction To GCP | Google Cloud Platform Tutorial | Edureka |
21 | Google Cloud Certification | Google Cloud Platform Training | Google Cloud Tutorial | Edureka |
22 | Introduction to Google Cloud Platform ( GCP ) | Google Cloud Tutorial for Beginners | Edureka |
23 | Cloud Engineer Roles and Responsibilities | Cloud Engineer Certification | Edureka |
24 | Google Cloud Console | Google Cloud Platform Tutorial | Google Cloud Architect Training | Edureka |
25 | Google Cloud Storage | Google Cloud Platform Tutorial | Google Cloud Architect Training | Edureka |
26 | Google Cloud Platform Pricing | Google Cloud Platform Training – Cloud Architect | Edureka |
27 | AWS vs Google Cloud | Difference between Amazon AWS and Google Cloud | AWS Training | Edureka |
28 | Cloud Computing Introduction | Cloud Computing Tutorial for Beginners | Cloud Certification |Edureka |
29 | AWS vs Azure vs GCP | Difference Between AWS, Azure & GCP | Cloud Certification Training | Edureka |
30 | Top 10 Companies To Work For As A Cloud Architect In 2021 | Why Cloud Computing | Edureka |
31 | GCP Database Services Tutorial | Deploy a Database on GCP | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka |
32 | What is Google Bigtable | Cloud Bigtable Architecture | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka |
33 | GCP Security Services | Cloud Security Command Center | GCP Training | Edureka |
34 | Google BigQuery Tutorial | Analyze Data in BigQuery | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka |
35 | GCP Billing | Explore your GCP Costs with Billing Reports | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka |
36 | Google Cloud IAM Tutorial | Identity & Access Management on GCP | GCP Training | Edureka |
37 | How to become a GCP Cloud Architect | GCP Careers | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka |
38 | Projects in Google Cloud Platform | GCP Project Structure | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka |
39 | Google Cloud Platform Full Course | GCP Tutorial | Google Cloud Training | Edureka |
40 | Google Cloud Text to Speech API using Python | Text to Speech for Free in Google Cloud | Edureka |
41 | Google Cloud Vision API in Python l Google Vision API Tutorial | Edureka |
42 | Google Cloud AI Platform Tutorial | Google Cloud AI Platform | GCP Training | Edureka Rewind – 1 |
43 | Projects in Google Cloud Platform | GCP Project Structure | Edureka | GCP Rewind – 2 |
44 | GCP Database Services | Deploy a Database on GCP | Google Cloud Platform Training | Edureka Rewind 3 |
45 | Google Cloud Platform Full Course [2023] | Google Cloud Platform Tutorial [2023] | Edureka |
46 | Google Cloud Networking | Google Cloud VPC | Google Cloud training | Edureka Rewind – 4 |
47 | Introduction to Google Cloud Platform ( GCP ) | Google Cloud Tutorial | Edureka Rewind – 7 |
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