Learning Objectives

By the end of lecture student should be able to

  • •     Enlist salivary gland
  • Mention type of secretion of each salivary gland
  • Explain the secretion of saliva
  • Summarize the functions of saliva
  • Summarize the regulation of salivation


  • Saliva is a clear, tasteless, odorless, slightly acidic (pH 6-7) viscid fluid containing normal oral bacteria, desquamated epithelial cells and transient residues of food or drink.
  • Saliva is secreted by salivary glands.
  • Average daily flow- 800ml to 1500ml
    • Unstimulated 0.3-0.4ml/min
    • Stimulated 0.2-7ml/min
  • Hypotonic to plasma

Structure of Salivary Gland

  • alivary glands are made up of acini– a small group of cells surrounded by a central globular cavity.
  • Each acini drains into intercalated duct.
  • Intercalated ducts join to form striated
  • Striated ducts join to form excretory
  • Which unite to form the main duct of the gland.

Salivary Glands


  • The first stage involves the acini, while second stage

involves the salivary ducts.

  • Acini secrete a primary secretion that contains ptyalin and/or mucin.
  • As primary secretion flows through the ducts, two major active

transport processes take place.

  • First, sodium ions are actively reabsorbed from all the salivary ducts and potassium ions are actively secreted in exchange for the sodium.
  • Sodium ion concentration reduced and potassium ions increases, Creating electrical negativity of about −70mv.
  • This negativity causes chloride ions to be reabsorbed passively.

Second, bicarbonate ions are secreted by the ductal epithelium into lumen of the duct in exchange for chloride ions.


  • Under resting conditions saliva is rich in Potassium ions & Bicarbonate ions and has low concentration of Sodium and chloride ions.
    • During maximal salivation salivary ionic concentrations change because the rate of formation Of primary secretion by the acini can increases up to 20-fold,causes rapid flow in ducts—–less time for ionic changes to take place.


  • Just nervous regulation
  • No hormonal or chemical mechanism is involved
  • Blood supply –a secondary factor-increase supply means increase secretion.

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