
Introductory Session and Surface Anatomy of the
Thorax, Shoulder, and Upper Limb 1
I. General Comments and Care of the Cadaver 1
II. Dissection Instruments 1
III. The Anatomic Position 1
IV. Anatomic Planes 2
V. Surface Anatomy of the Anterior Thorax, Shoulder,
Axilla, and Upper Limb 2
Mammary Gland and Pectoral Region 8
I. Observe Other Cadavers 8
II. Reflection of Skin 8
III. Mammary Gland 9
IV. Reflection of the Superficial Fascia 12
V. Pectoral Muscles and Other Structures 13
Deep Pectoral Region and Axilla 16
I. Deep Pectoral Region 16
II. Axilla 17
Scapular and Deltoid Regions; Posterior
Compartment of the Arm 23
I. Surface Anatomy; Skin Incisions; Cutaneous
Nerves 23

II. Cut Scapular Attachments of Trapezius
and Deltoid Muscles; the Supraspinous
and Infraspinous Fossae 24
III. Lateral Border of Scapula; Triangular and
Quadrangular Spaces; Axillary Nerve and
Deltoid Region 27
IV. Anastomoses Around the Scapula 29
V. Posterior (Extensor) Compartment of the Arm 30
Anterior Brachial Region; Cubital Fossa;
Anterior Forearm and Wrist 34
I. Surface Anatomy; Skin Incisions; Superficial Veins
and Nerves 34
II. Anterior Compartment of the Arm: Muscles, Vessels,
and Nerves 37
III. The Cubital Fossa 40
IV. Anterior Forearm Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves 40
V. Tendons, Vessels, and Nerves on the Anterior
Wrist 44
Palmar Aspect of the Hand 46
I. Surface Anatomy; Skin Incisions; the Palmar
Aponeurosis and Digital Vessels and Nerves 46
II. Ulnar Artery and Nerve; Fascial Spaces of the
Hand 49
III. Flexor Retinaculum; Flexor Tendons and
Synovial and Fibrous Sheaths; Dissection of
Middle Finger 50
IV. Thenar Muscles; Movements of the Thumb;
Dissection of the Distal Thumb; the Hypothenar
Muscles 53
V. Adductor Pollicis Muscle; Deep Palmar Arch;
Deep Branch of the Ulnar Nerve; Interosseous
Muscles 54

Posterior Compartment of Forearm and
Dorsum of the Hand 56
I. General Introduction 56
II. Surface Anatomy; Removal of Skin; Superficial
Veins and Nerves 56
III. Muscles of the Extensor Compartment of the Forearm 58
IV. Extensor Retinaculum; Extensor Synovial Sheaths;
Structures Across the Dorsum of the Wrist 61
V. Arteries and Nerves on Dorsum of Hand; Dorsal
Interosseous Muscles 63
Joints of the Upper Extremity 65
I. Joints of the Shoulder Region 65
II. Joints at the Elbow Region 68
III. The Middle and Distal Radioulnar Joints 71
IV. Joints at the Wrist 72
V. Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints 74
Thorax I: Anterior Thoracic Wall 76
I. Surface Anatomy; Thoracic Vertebrae, Ribs, and
Respiratory Movements; Projections of Heart and
Lungs onto the Thoracic Wall 76
II. Anterior Thoracic Wall: Muscles, Vessels, and
Nerves 82
III. Removal of the Anterior Thoracic Wall 84
IV. Pleura and Thoracic Viscera in Place; Removal of the
Lungs 85
Thorax II: Pleura and Lungs; Anterior Mediastinum;
Middle Mediastinum and Pericardium; Removal of
the Heart 88
I. Pleural Reflections 88
II. Lungs 89
III. Mediastinum and Its Subdivisions; Anterior
Mediastinum 93
IV. Middle Mediastinum and Pericardium 94
Thorax III: The Heart: Blood Circulation; Heart
Surface Anatomy; Blood Supply, Chambers, and
Conducting System of the Heart 97
I. Circulation of the Blood: General Comments 97
II. Surface Anatomy of the Heart 97
III. Arteries and Veins of the Heart 99
IV. Chambers of the Heart 101
V. Conducting System of the Heart 106
Thorax IV: Posterior Mediastinum; Sympathetic
Trunks; Diaphragm from Above; Superior
Mediastinum 109
I. Posterior Mediastinum 109
II. Sympathetic Trunks and Splanchnic Nerves 112
III. Diaphragm 113
IV. Superior Mediastinum 113
Anterior Abdominal Wall 118
I. Surface Anatomy of the Anterior Abdominal Wall 118
II. Skin Incisions; Superficial Fascia; Cutaneous
Vessels and Nerves 119
III. Flat Muscles and Nerves of the Anterior Abdominal
Wall 122
IV. Rectus Abdominis Muscle and Sheath; Epigastric
Anastomosis 124
V. Inguinal Region 126
VI. Scrotum; Spermatic Cord; Testis 128
VII. Female Inguinal Canal, Round Ligament of the Uterus,
and the Labia Majora 129
Abdominal Cavity I: Topography of the Abdominal
Viscera and Reflections of the Peritoneum 131
I. Exposure of Abdominal Cavity; Inner Surface of
Abdominal Wall; Falciform and Round Ligaments 131
II. Peritoneum and Abdominal Viscera In Situ 133
III. Peritoneal Cavity; Greater and Lesser Peritoneal Sacs 137

Abdominal Cavity II: Rotation of the Gut;
Dissection of Stomach; Liver; Duodenum and
Pancreas; Spleen 140
I. Embryologic Events Related to the Development of the
Gastrointestinal Tract 140
II. Dissection of the Stomach, Liver and Gall Bladder,
Duodenum and Pancreas, and Spleen 143
Abdominal Cavity III: Intestinal Tract from
Duodenojejunal Junction to Rectum 152
I. Superior and Inferior Mesenteric Vessels 152
II. Jejunum and Ileum 156
III. Large Intestine 157
Abdominal Cavity IV: Posterior Abdominal
Wall 161
I. Gonadal Vessels, Kidneys, Ureters, and Suprarenal
Glands 161
II. Muscles of the Posterior Abdominal Wall and the
Lumbar Plexus 165
III. The Diaphragm from the Abdominal Aspect 169
IV. Abdominal Aorta; Inferior Vena Cava; Lumbar
Sympathetic Chain 170
The Pelvis: Male and Female 173
I. General Features Found in Both the Male and
Female Pelvis 173
II. Male Pelvic Organs: Urinary Bladder and Ureters;
Seminal Vesicles and Ductus Deferens; Prostate Gland
and Prostatic Urethra; Rectum 179
III. Female Pelvic Organs: Urinary Bladder, Ureters, and
Urethra; Ovaries and Uterine Tubes; Uterus and
Vagina; Rectum 182
IV. Lateral Pelvic Wall and Floor: Vessels, Nerves, and
Muscles 185
The Perineum: Male and Female 192
I. General Information and Surface Anatomy 192
II. Anal Triangle and Region 194
III. Male Urogenital Triangle and Region 197
IV. Female Urogenital Triangle and Region 203
The Gluteal Region, Posterior Thigh, and
Popliteal Fossa 209
I. Surface Anatomy; Skin Incisions; Cutaneous
Innervation 209
II. Gluteal Region 212
III. Posterior Compartment of the Thigh 216
IV. Popliteal Fossa 220
Anterior and Medial Compartments of the
Thigh 223
I. Surface Anatomy; Superficial Vessels and
Nerves 223
II. Femoral Triangle; Femoral Vessels and Their Branches;
Adductor Canal; Femoral Nerve 226
III. Quadriceps Femoris Muscle and Its Motor
Nerves 228
IV. The Medial (Adductor) Region of the Thigh 230
Anterior and Lateral Compartments of the Leg
and Dorsum of the Foot 234
I. Surface Anatomy; Superficial Vessels and
Nerves; Anterior Leg, Ankle, and Dorsum of
the Foot 236
II. Anterior Compartment of the Leg 239
III. Lateral Compartment of the Leg 243
IV. Ankle Region and Dorsum of the Foot 243

The Posterior Leg and Sole of the Foot 248
I. Surface Anatomy 248
II. Incisions and Superficial Dissection of the Posterior
Leg 249
III. Posterior Compartment: Muscles, Vessels, and
Nerves 249
IV. Plantar Aspect of the Foot 253
Joints of the Lower Limb 260
I. Sacroiliac Joint 260
II. Symphysis Pubis 263
III. Hip Joint 264
IV. Knee Joint 268
V. Tibiofibular Joints 271
VI. Ankle Joint (Talocrural Joint) 272
VII. Joints Within the Foot 275
Superficial and Deep Back; Spinal Cord 280
I. Posterior Primary Rami; Trapezius and Latissimus Dorsi;
Rhomboids and Levator Scapulae 280
II. Intermediate Muscles of the Back 286
III. Deep Muscles of the Back 287
IV. Vertebral Canal and Spinal Cord 290
Back of the Neck and the Suboccipital Region 297
I. Posterior Skull and First Two Cervical Vertebrae 297
II. Dorsal Rami of the Cervical Nerves 298
III. Suboccipital Triangle 300
IV. Vertebral Artery 300
The Superficial Face and Anterior Scalp 303
I. Bony Landmarks and Surface Anatomy of the Face and
Forehead 303
II. Skin Incisions; Reflections of Skin Flaps 304
III. External Muscles of the Mouth 305
IV. External Nose 306
V. Anterior Orbital Region 307
VI. Superficial Vessels and Nerves of the Face 308
VII. Superficial Structures on the Lateral Face 312
Temporal and Infratemporal Regions (Deep Face) 316
I. Veins of the Temporal and Retromandibular Regions 316
II. Masseter and Temporalis Muscles 318
III. Infratemporal Fossa and Its Contents 319
IV. Temporomandibular Joint 325
Posterior Triangle of the Neck 328
I. Boundaries of the Posterior Triangle; Skin Incisions 328
II. Superficial Vessels and Nerves 330
III. Omohyoid and Other Posterior Triangle Muscles 332
IV. Expose the Subclavian Vessels and Brachial Plexus By
Removing the Middle Third of the Clavicle 332
V. Subclavian Vessels 332
VI. Cervical Part of the Brachial Plexus 334
Anterior Triangle of the Neck 337
I. Surface Landmarks and Triangles of the Neck 337
II. Superficial Anterior Cervical Structures 339
III. Infrahyoid Strap Muscles; the Ansa Cervicalis 341
IV. Thyroid Gland; Superior and Inferior Thyroid Arteries;
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves; Parathyroid Glands 343
V. Structures Within or Adjacent to the Carotid Triangle 345
VI. Suprahyoid Region 348
VII. Deep Structures at the Root of the Neck 349
Scalp; Floor of the Cranial Cavity;
Base of the Brain 353
I. Scalp 353
II. Removal of Skull Cap and Wedge of Occipital Bone 356
III. Meninges; Removal of the Brain 357
IV. Base of Skull: Bony Markings; Foramina 360
V. Arterial Blood Supply to the Brain 362

The Orbit: Superior and Anterior Dissections 366
I. The Bony Orbit 366
II. The Orbit from Above 367
III. The Orbit from the Anterior Approach 373
Craniovertebral Joints and Prevertebral Region 380
I. Basilar Part of the Occipital Bone; the Atlas and Axis 380
II. Median and Lateral Atlantoaxial Joints; Atlantooccipital
Joints 381
III. Separation of the Head and Cervical Viscera from the
Vertebral Column 384
IV. The Prevertebral Region 384
The Pharynx: External and Internal Dissections 386
I. Structure and Relationships of the Pharynx; Vagus and
Glossopharyngeal Nerves 386
II. Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscles 388
III. Interior of the Pharynx 390
The Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses in the
Bisected Head 394
I. Bisection of the Head 394
II. Nasal Septum 395
III. Roof and Floor of the Nasal Cavity 396
IV. Lateral Wall of the Nasal Cavity 397
V. Pterygopalatine Ganglion; Greater and Lesser Palatine
Nerves and Vessels 399
VI. Paranasal Sinuses 400
Nasopharynx; Oropharynx (Inner Wall);
Palate; Mouth and Tongue 403
I. Nasopharynx 403
II. Soft Palate from Above: Levator and Tensor Palati
Muscles 404
III. Internal Structure of the Oropharynx 404
IV. Hard Palate Dissected from Its Oral Surface 406
V. Oral Cavity and Tongue 407
The Larynx and Laryngopharynx 415
I. The Skeleton of the Larynx 415
II. Surface Anatomy of the Anterior Larynx 416
III. The Posterior Larynx; the Laryngopharynx; the Lateral
Laryngeal Muscles 418
IV. The Interior of the Larynx 421
The External and Middle Ear and the Semicircular
Canals of the Inner Ear 425
I. The External Ear 425
II. The Lateral (Mastoid) Approach to the Facial Nerve;
Semicircular Canals; Tympanic Cavity 427
III. The Superior (Cranial Cavity) Approach to the
Middle Ear 430

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