The course utilizes the Dev-C++ Incorporated Improvement Climate (IDE) as the vehicle for guidance. Beginning with essential programming ideas, the course creates expertise in taking care of choice and circling structures. Continuing on through the idea of pointers and exhibits, the course covers the fundamentals of the C programming language while avoiding object-situated ideas. The reason is that a decent establishing in organized programming will be required while moving into the item situated space that would be shrouded top to bottom in a later course. Subsequent to covering record taking care of and associations and designs, the course will at long last present the idea of classes and public and confidential individuals with a prologue to work over-burdening. The item situated ideas of polymorphism, virtual capabilities and safeguarded information individuals won’t be canvassed in this course. The course utilizes the C++ input/yield framework as opposed to the conventional C I/O. The training meetings are avoided “windows” type programming to guarantee that dominating the fundamental ideas isn’t blurred by superfluous subtleties at this stage.