1 Overview 1-8
2 Back 9-34
3 Thorax 35-74
4 Abdomen 75-113
5 Pelvis and Perineum 114-133
6 Lower Limb 134-191
7 Upper Limb 192-258
8 Head and Neck 259-349
9 Surface Anatomy 350-369
10 Nervous System 370-377
11 Imaging 378-391
- Surface Anatomy: Male Anterior View
- Surface Anatomy: Female Posterior View
- Skeleton: Anterior View
- Skeleton: Posterior View
- Muscles: Anterior View
- Muscles: Posterior View
- Vascular System: Arteries
- Vascular System: Veins
- Skeletal Framework: Vertebral Column
- Skeletal Framework: Typical Vertebra
- Skeletal Framework: Vertebra 1
- Skeletal Framework: Atlas, Axis, and Ligaments
- Skeletal Framework: Vertebra 2
- Skeletal Framework: Vertebra 3
- Skeletal Framework: Sacrum and Coccyx
- Skeletal Framework: Vertebra Radiograph I
- Skeletal Framework: Vertebra Radiograph II
- Skeletal Framework: Vertebra Radiograph III
- Skeletal Framework: Intervertebral Joints
- Skeletal Framework: Intervertebral Foramen
- Skeletal Framework: Vertebral Ligaments
- Skeletal Framework: Intervertebral Disc Protrusion
- Muscles: Superficial Group
- Muscles: Trapezius Innervation and Blood Supply
- Muscles: Intermediate Group
- Muscles: Erector Spinae
- Muscles: Transversospinalis and Segmentals
- Muscles: Suboccipital Region
- Spinal Cord
- Spinal Cord Details
- Spinal Nerves
- Spinal Cord Arteries
- Spinal Cord Arteries Detail
- Spinal Cord Meninges
- Thoracic Skeleton
- Typical Rib
- Rib I Superior Surface
- Sternum
- Vertebra, Ribs, and Sternum
- Thoracic Wall
- Thoracic Cavity
- Intercostal Space with Nerves and Vessels
- Pleural Cavity
- Pleura
- Parietal Pleura
- Right Lung
- Left Lung
- CT: Left Pulmonary Artery
- CT: Right Pulmonary Artery
- Mediastinum: Subdivisions
- Pericardium
- Pericardial Sinuses
- Anterior Surface of the Heart
- Diaphragmatic Surface and Base of the Heart
- Right Atrium
- Right Ventricle
- Left Atrium
- Left Ventricle
- Plain Chest Radiograph
- MRI: Chambers of the Heart
- Coronary Arteries
- Coronary Veins
- Conduction System
- Superior Mediastinum
- Superior Mediastinum: Cross Section
- Superior Mediastinum: Great Vessels
- Abdominal Wall: Nine-Region Pattern
- Abdominal Wall: Layers Overview
- Abdominal Wall: Transverse Section
- Rectus Abdominis
- Rectus Sheath
- Inguinal Canal
- Spermatic Cord
- Inguinal Region: Internal View
- Viscera: Anterior View
- Viscera: Anterior View, Small Bowel Removed
- Stomach
- Double-Contrast Radiograph: Stomach and Duodenum
- Duodenum
- Radiograph: Jejunum and Ileum
- Large Intestine
- Barium Radiograph: Large Intestine
- Liver
- CT: Liver
- Pancreas
- CT: Pancreas
- Bile Drainage
- Arteries: Arterial Supply of Viscera
- Arteries: Celiac Trunk
- Arteries: Superior Mesenteric
- Arteries: Inferior Mesenteric
- Veins: Portal System
- Viscera: Innervation
- Posterior Abdominal Region: Overview
- Posterior Abdominal Region: Bones
- Posterior Abdominal Region: Muscles
- Diaphragm
- Anterior Relationships of Kidneys
- Internal Structure of the Kidney
- CT: Renal Pelvis
- Renal and Suprarenal Gland Vessels
- Abdominal Aorta
- Inferior Vena Cava
- Urogram: Pathway of Ureter
- Lumbar Plexus
- Pelvis
- Pelvic Bone
- Ligaments
- Muscles: Pelvic Diaphragm and Lateral Wall
- Perineal Membrane and Deep Perineal Pouch
- Viscera: Female Overview
- Viscera: Male Overview
- Male Reproductive System
- Female Reproductive System
- Uterus and Uterine Tubes
- Sacral Plexus
- Internal Iliac Posterior Trunk
- Internal Iliac Anterior Trunk
- Female Perineum
- Male Perineum
- Anal Triangle Cross Section
- Superficial Perineal Pouch: Muscles
- MRI: Male Pelvic Cavity and Perineum
- Deep Perineal Pouch: Muscles
- MRI: Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum
- Skeleton: Overview
- Acetabulum
- Femur
- Hip Joint Ligaments
- Ligament of Head of Femur
- Radiograph: Hip Joint
- CT: Hip Joint
- Femoral Triangle
- Saphenous Vein
- Anterior Compartment: Muscles
- Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- Femoral Artery
- Medial Compartment: Muscles
- Medial Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- Obturator Nerve
- Gluteal Region: Muscles
- Gluteal Region: Muscle Attachments I
- Gluteal Region: Muscle Attachments II
- Gluteal Region: Arteries
- Gluteal Region: Nerves
- Sacral Plexus
- Posterior Compartment: Muscles
- Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- Sciatic Nerve
- Knee: Anterolateral View
- Knee: Menisci and Ligaments
- Knee: Collateral Ligaments
- MRI: Knee Joint
- Radiographs: Knee Joint
- Knee: Popliteal Fossa
- Leg: Bones
- Leg Posterior Compartment: Muscles
- Leg Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments I
- Leg Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments II
- Leg Posterior Compartment: Arteries and Nerves
- Leg Lateral Compartment: Muscles
- Leg Lateral Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- Leg Lateral Compartment: Nerves
- Leg Anterior Compartment: Muscles
- Leg Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- Leg Anterior Compartment: Arteries and Nerves
- Foot: Bones
- Radiograph: Foot
- Foot: Ligaments
- Radiograph: Ankle
- Dorsal Foot: Muscles
- Dorsal Foot: Muscle Attachments
- Dorsal Foot: Arteries
- Dorsal Foot: Nerves
- Tarsal Tunnel
- Sole of Foot: Muscles, First Layer
- Sole of Foot: Muscles, Second Layer
- Sole of Foot: Muscles, Third Layer
- Sole of Foot: Muscles, Fourth Layer
- Sole of Foot: Muscle Attachments, First and Second Layers
- Sole of Foot: Muscle Attachments, Third Layer
- Sole of Foot: Arteries
- Sole of Foot: Nerves
- Overview: Skeleton
- Clavicle
- Scapula
- Humerus
- Sternoclavicular and Acromioclavicular Joints
- Multidetector CT: Sternoclavicular Joint
- Radiograph: Acromioclavicular Joint
- Shoulder Joint
- Radiograph: Glenohumeral Joint
- Pectoral Region: Breast
- Pectoralis Major
- Pectoralis Minor: Nerves and Vessels
- Posterior Scapular Region: Muscles
- Posterior Scapular Region: Muscle Attachments
- Posterior Scapular Region: Arteries and Nerves
- Axilla: Vessels
- Axilla: Arteries
- Axilla: Nerves
- Axilla: Brachial Plexus
- Axilla: Lymphatics
- Humerus: Posterior View
- Distal Humerus
- Proximal End of Radius and Ulna
- Arm Anterior Compartment: Biceps
- Arm Anterior Compartment: Muscles
- Arm Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- Arm Anterior Compartment: Arteries
- Arm Anterior Compartment: Veins
- Arm Anterior Compartment: Nerves
- Arm Posterior Compartment: Muscles
- Arm Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- Arm Posterior Compartment: Nerves and Vessels
- Elbow Joint
- Cubital Fossa
- Radius
- Ulna
- Radiographs: Elbow Joint
- Radiograph: Forearm
- Wrist and Bones of Hand
- Radiograph: Wrist
- Radiographs: Hand and Wrist Joint
- Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscles, First Layer
- Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Superficial Layer
- Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscles, Second Layer
- Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscles, Third Layer
- Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Intermediate and
Deep Layers - Forearm Anterior Compartment: Arteries
- Forearm Anterior Compartment: Nerves
- Forearm Posterior Compartment: Muscles, Superficial Layer
- Forearm Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Superficial Layer
- Forearm Posterior Compartment: Outcropping Muscles
- Forearm Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Deep Layer
- Forearm Posterior Compartment: Nerves and Arteries
- Hand: Cross Section through Wrist
- Hand: Superficial Palm
- Hand: Thenar and Hypothenar Muscles
- Palm of Hand: Muscle Attachments, Thenar and Hypothenar Muscles
- Lumbricals
- Adductor Muscles
- Interosseous Muscles
- Palm of Hand: Muscle Attachments
- Superficial Palmar Arch
- Deep Palmar Arch
- Median Nerve
- Ulnar Nerve
- Radial Nerve
- Dorsal Venous Arch
- Skull: Anterior View
- Multidetector CT: Anterior View of Skull
- Skull: Lateral View
- Multidetector CT: Lateral View of Skull
- Skull: Posterior View
- Skull: Superior View
- Skull: Inferior View
- Skull: Anterior Cranial Fossa
- Skull: Middle Cranial Fossa
- Skull: Posterior Cranial Fossa
- Meninges
- Dural Septa
- Meningeal Arteries
- Blood Supply to Brain
- Magnetic Resonance Angiogram: Carotid and Vertebral Arteries
- Circle of Willis
- Dural Venous Sinuses
- Cavernous Sinus
- Cranial Nerves: Floor of Cranial Cavity
- Facial Muscles
- Lateral Face
- Sensory Nerves of the Head
- Vessels of the Lateral Face
- Scalp
- Orbit: Bones
- Lacrimal Apparatus
- Orbit: Extra-ocular Muscles
- MRI: Muscles of the Eyeball
- Superior Orbital Fissure and Optic Canal
- Orbit: Superficial Nerves
- Orbit: Deep Nerves
- Eyeball
- Visceral Efferent (Motor) Innervation: Lacrimal Gland
- Visceral Efferent (Motor) Innervation: Eyeball (Iris and Ciliary Body)
- Visceral Efferent (Motor) Pathways through Pterygopalatine Fossa
- External Ear
- External, Middle, and Internal Ear
- Tympanic Membrane
- Middle Ear: Schematic View
- Internal Ear
- Infratemporal Region: Muscles of Mastication
- Infratemporal Region: Muscles
- Infratemporal Region: Arteries
- Infratemporal Region: Nerves, Part 1
- Infratemporal Region: Nerves, Part 2
- Parasympathetic Innervation of Salivary Glands
- Pterygopalatine Fossa: Gateways
- Pterygopalatine Fossa: Nerves
- Pharynx: Posterior View of Muscles
- Pharynx: Lateral View of Muscles
- Pharynx: Midsagittal Section
- Pharynx: Posterior View, Opened
- Larynx: Overview
- Larynx: Cartilage and Ligaments
- Larynx: Superior View of Vocal Ligaments
- Larynx: Posterior View
- Larynx: Laryngoscopic Images
- Larynx: Intrinsic Muscles
- Larynx: Nerves
- Nasal Cavity: Paranasal Sinuses
- Radiographs: Nasal Cavities and Paranasal Sinuses
- CT: Nasal Cavities and Paranasal Sinuses
- Nasal Cavity: Nasal Septum
- Nasal Cavity: Lateral Wall, Bones
- Nasal Cavity: Lateral Wall, Mucosa, and Openings
- Nasal Cavity: Arteries
- Nasal Cavity: Nerves
- Oral Cavity: Overview
- Oral Cavity: Floor
- Oral Cavity: Tongue
- Oral Cavity: Sublingual Glands
- Oral Cavity: Glands
- Oral Cavity: Salivary Gland Nerves
- Oral Cavity: Soft Palate (Overview)
- Oral Cavity: Palate, Arteries, and Nerves
- Oral Cavity: Teeth
- Neck: Triangles
- Neck: Fascia
- Neck: Superficial Veins
- Neck: Anterior Triangle, Infrahyoid Muscles
- Neck: Anterior Triangle, Carotid System
- Neck: Anterior Triangle, Glossopharyngeal Nerve
- Neck: Anterior Triangle, Vagus Nerve
- Neck: Anterior Triangle, Hypoglossal Nerve, and Ansa Cervicalis
- Neck: Anterior Triangle, Anterior View Thyroid
- Neck: Anterior Triangle, Posterior View Thyroid
- Neck: Posterior Triangle, Muscles
- Neck: Posterior Triangle, Nerves
- Base of Neck
- Base of Neck: Arteries
- Base of Neck: Lymphatics
- Back Surface Anatomy
- End of Spinal Cord: Lumbar Puncture
- Thoracic Skeletal Landmarks
- Heart Valve Auscultation
- Lung Auscultation 1
- Lung Auscultation 2
- Referred Pain: Heart
- Inguinal Hernia I
- Inguinal Hernia II
- Inguinal Hernia III
- Referred Abdominal Pain
- Female Perineum
- Male Perineum
- Gluteal Injection Site
- Femoral Triangle Surface Anatomy
- Popliteal Fossa
- Tarsal Tunnel
- Lower Limb Pulse Points
- Upper Limb Pulse Points
- Head and Neck Pulse Points
- Brain: Base of Brain Cranial Nerves
- Spinal Cord
- Spinal Nerve
- Heart Sympathetics
- Gastrointestinal Sympathetics
- Parasympathetics
- Parasympathetic Ganglia
- Pelvic Autonomics
- Mediastinum: CT Images, Axial Plane
- Mediastinum: CT Images, Axial Plane
- Mediastinum: CT Images, Axial Plane
- Stomach and Duodenum: Double-Contrast Radiograph
- Jejunum and Ileum: Radiograph
- Large Intestine: Radiograph, Using Barium
- Liver: Abdominal CT Scan with Contrast, in Axial Plane
- Pancreas: Abdominal CT Scan with Contrast, in Axial Plane
- Male Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial Plane
- Male Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial Plane
- Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Sagittal
Plane - Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Coronal
Plane - Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial
Plane - Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial
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