1 Overview 1-8
2 Back 9-34
3 Thorax 35-74
4 Abdomen 75-113
5 Pelvis and Perineum 114-133
6 Lower Limb 134-191
7 Upper Limb 192-258
8 Head and Neck 259-349
9 Surface Anatomy 350-369
10 Nervous System 370-377
11 Imaging 378-391


  1. Surface Anatomy: Male Anterior View
  2. Surface Anatomy: Female Posterior View
  3. Skeleton: Anterior View
  4. Skeleton: Posterior View
  5. Muscles: Anterior View
  6. Muscles: Posterior View
  7. Vascular System: Arteries
  8. Vascular System: Veins


  1. Skeletal Framework: Vertebral Column
  2. Skeletal Framework: Typical Vertebra
  3. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra 1
  4. Skeletal Framework: Atlas, Axis, and Ligaments
  5. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra 2
  6. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra 3
  7. Skeletal Framework: Sacrum and Coccyx
  8. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra Radiograph I
  9. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra Radiograph II
  10. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra Radiograph III
  11. Skeletal Framework: Intervertebral Joints
  12. Skeletal Framework: Intervertebral Foramen
  13. Skeletal Framework: Vertebral Ligaments
  14. Skeletal Framework: Intervertebral Disc Protrusion
  15. Muscles: Superficial Group
  16. Muscles: Trapezius Innervation and Blood Supply
  17. Muscles: Intermediate Group
  18. Muscles: Erector Spinae
  19. Muscles: Transversospinalis and Segmentals
  20. Muscles: Suboccipital Region
  21. Spinal Cord
  22. Spinal Cord Details
  23. Spinal Nerves
  24. Spinal Cord Arteries
  25. Spinal Cord Arteries Detail
  26. Spinal Cord Meninges


  1. Thoracic Skeleton
  2. Typical Rib
  3. Rib I Superior Surface
  4. Sternum
  5. Vertebra, Ribs, and Sternum
  6. Thoracic Wall
  7. Thoracic Cavity
  8. Intercostal Space with Nerves and Vessels
  9. Pleural Cavity
  10. Pleura
  11. Parietal Pleura
  12. Right Lung
  13. Left Lung
  14. CT: Left Pulmonary Artery
  15. CT: Right Pulmonary Artery
  16. Mediastinum: Subdivisions
  17. Pericardium
  18. Pericardial Sinuses
  19. Anterior Surface of the Heart
  20. Diaphragmatic Surface and Base of the Heart
  21. Right Atrium
  22. Right Ventricle
  23. Left Atrium
  24. Left Ventricle
  25. Plain Chest Radiograph
  26. MRI: Chambers of the Heart
  27. Coronary Arteries
  28. Coronary Veins
  29. Conduction System
  30. Superior Mediastinum
  31. Superior Mediastinum: Cross Section
  32. Superior Mediastinum: Great Vessels


  1. Abdominal Wall: Nine-Region Pattern
  2. Abdominal Wall: Layers Overview
  3. Abdominal Wall: Transverse Section
  4. Rectus Abdominis
  5. Rectus Sheath
  6. Inguinal Canal
  7. Spermatic Cord
  8. Inguinal Region: Internal View
  9. Viscera: Anterior View
  10. Viscera: Anterior View, Small Bowel Removed
  11. Stomach
  12. Double-Contrast Radiograph: Stomach and Duodenum
  13. Duodenum
  14. Radiograph: Jejunum and Ileum
  15. Large Intestine
  16. Barium Radiograph: Large Intestine
  17. Liver
  18. CT: Liver
  19. Pancreas
  20. CT: Pancreas
  21. Bile Drainage
  22. Arteries: Arterial Supply of Viscera
  23. Arteries: Celiac Trunk
  24. Arteries: Superior Mesenteric
  25. Arteries: Inferior Mesenteric
  26. Veins: Portal System
  27. Viscera: Innervation
  28. Posterior Abdominal Region: Overview
  29. Posterior Abdominal Region: Bones
  30. Posterior Abdominal Region: Muscles
  31. Diaphragm
  32. Anterior Relationships of Kidneys
  33. Internal Structure of the Kidney
  34. CT: Renal Pelvis
  35. Renal and Suprarenal Gland Vessels
  36. Abdominal Aorta
  37. Inferior Vena Cava
  38. Urogram: Pathway of Ureter
  39. Lumbar Plexus


  1. Pelvis
  2. Pelvic Bone
  3. Ligaments
  4. Muscles: Pelvic Diaphragm and Lateral Wall
  5. Perineal Membrane and Deep Perineal Pouch
  6. Viscera: Female Overview
  7. Viscera: Male Overview
  8. Male Reproductive System
  9. Female Reproductive System
  10. Uterus and Uterine Tubes
  11. Sacral Plexus
  12. Internal Iliac Posterior Trunk
  13. Internal Iliac Anterior Trunk
  14. Female Perineum
  15. Male Perineum
  16. Anal Triangle Cross Section
  17. Superficial Perineal Pouch: Muscles
  18. MRI: Male Pelvic Cavity and Perineum
  19. Deep Perineal Pouch: Muscles
  20. MRI: Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum


  1. Skeleton: Overview
  2. Acetabulum
  3. Femur
  4. Hip Joint Ligaments
  5. Ligament of Head of Femur
  6. Radiograph: Hip Joint
  7. CT: Hip Joint
  8. Femoral Triangle
  9. Saphenous Vein
  10. Anterior Compartment: Muscles
  11. Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
  12. Femoral Artery
  13. Medial Compartment: Muscles
  14. Medial Compartment: Muscle Attachments
  15. Obturator Nerve
  16. Gluteal Region: Muscles
  17. Gluteal Region: Muscle Attachments I
  18. Gluteal Region: Muscle Attachments II
  19. Gluteal Region: Arteries
  20. Gluteal Region: Nerves
  21. Sacral Plexus
  22. Posterior Compartment: Muscles
  23. Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
  24. Sciatic Nerve
  25. Knee: Anterolateral View
  26. Knee: Menisci and Ligaments
  27. Knee: Collateral Ligaments
  28. MRI: Knee Joint
  29. Radiographs: Knee Joint
  30. Knee: Popliteal Fossa
  31. Leg: Bones
  32. Leg Posterior Compartment: Muscles
  33. Leg Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments I
  34. Leg Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments II
  35. Leg Posterior Compartment: Arteries and Nerves
  36. Leg Lateral Compartment: Muscles
  37. Leg Lateral Compartment: Muscle Attachments
  38. Leg Lateral Compartment: Nerves
  1. Leg Anterior Compartment: Muscles
  2. Leg Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
  3. Leg Anterior Compartment: Arteries and Nerves
  4. Foot: Bones
  5. Radiograph: Foot
  6. Foot: Ligaments
  7. Radiograph: Ankle
  8. Dorsal Foot: Muscles
  9. Dorsal Foot: Muscle Attachments
  10. Dorsal Foot: Arteries
  11. Dorsal Foot: Nerves
  12. Tarsal Tunnel
  13. Sole of Foot: Muscles, First Layer
  14. Sole of Foot: Muscles, Second Layer
  15. Sole of Foot: Muscles, Third Layer
  16. Sole of Foot: Muscles, Fourth Layer
  17. Sole of Foot: Muscle Attachments, First and Second Layers
  18. Sole of Foot: Muscle Attachments, Third Layer
  19. Sole of Foot: Arteries
  20. Sole of Foot: Nerves


  1. Overview: Skeleton
  2. Clavicle
  3. Scapula
  4. Humerus
  5. Sternoclavicular and Acromioclavicular Joints
  6. Multidetector CT: Sternoclavicular Joint
  7. Radiograph: Acromioclavicular Joint
  8. Shoulder Joint
  9. Radiograph: Glenohumeral Joint
  10. Pectoral Region: Breast
  11. Pectoralis Major
  12. Pectoralis Minor: Nerves and Vessels
  13. Posterior Scapular Region: Muscles
  14. Posterior Scapular Region: Muscle Attachments
  15. Posterior Scapular Region: Arteries and Nerves
  16. Axilla: Vessels
  17. Axilla: Arteries
  18. Axilla: Nerves
  19. Axilla: Brachial Plexus
  20. Axilla: Lymphatics
  21. Humerus: Posterior View
  22. Distal Humerus
  23. Proximal End of Radius and Ulna
  24. Arm Anterior Compartment: Biceps
  25. Arm Anterior Compartment: Muscles
  26. Arm Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
  27. Arm Anterior Compartment: Arteries
  28. Arm Anterior Compartment: Veins
  29. Arm Anterior Compartment: Nerves
  30. Arm Posterior Compartment: Muscles
  31. Arm Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
  32. Arm Posterior Compartment: Nerves and Vessels
  33. Elbow Joint
  34. Cubital Fossa
  35. Radius
  36. Ulna
  37. Radiographs: Elbow Joint
  38. Radiograph: Forearm
  1. Wrist and Bones of Hand
  2. Radiograph: Wrist
  3. Radiographs: Hand and Wrist Joint
  4. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscles, First Layer
  5. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Superficial Layer
  6. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscles, Second Layer
  7. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscles, Third Layer
  8. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Intermediate and
    Deep Layers
  9. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Arteries
  10. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Nerves
  11. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Muscles, Superficial Layer
  12. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Superficial Layer
  13. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Outcropping Muscles
  14. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Deep Layer
  15. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Nerves and Arteries
  16. Hand: Cross Section through Wrist
  17. Hand: Superficial Palm
  18. Hand: Thenar and Hypothenar Muscles
  19. Palm of Hand: Muscle Attachments, Thenar and Hypothenar Muscles
  20. Lumbricals
  21. Adductor Muscles
  22. Interosseous Muscles
  23. Palm of Hand: Muscle Attachments
  24. Superficial Palmar Arch
  25. Deep Palmar Arch
  26. Median Nerve
  27. Ulnar Nerve
  28. Radial Nerve
  29. Dorsal Venous Arch


  1. Skull: Anterior View
  2. Multidetector CT: Anterior View of Skull
  3. Skull: Lateral View
  4. Multidetector CT: Lateral View of Skull
  5. Skull: Posterior View
  6. Skull: Superior View
  7. Skull: Inferior View
  8. Skull: Anterior Cranial Fossa
  9. Skull: Middle Cranial Fossa
  10. Skull: Posterior Cranial Fossa
  11. Meninges
  12. Dural Septa
  13. Meningeal Arteries
  14. Blood Supply to Brain
  15. Magnetic Resonance Angiogram: Carotid and Vertebral Arteries
  16. Circle of Willis
  17. Dural Venous Sinuses
  18. Cavernous Sinus
  19. Cranial Nerves: Floor of Cranial Cavity
  20. Facial Muscles
  21. Lateral Face
  22. Sensory Nerves of the Head
  23. Vessels of the Lateral Face
  24. Scalp
  25. Orbit: Bones
  26. Lacrimal Apparatus
  27. Orbit: Extra-ocular Muscles
  28. MRI: Muscles of the Eyeball
  29. Superior Orbital Fissure and Optic Canal
  30. Orbit: Superficial Nerves
  31. Orbit: Deep Nerves
  32. Eyeball
  33. Visceral Efferent (Motor) Innervation: Lacrimal Gland
  34. Visceral Efferent (Motor) Innervation: Eyeball (Iris and Ciliary Body)
  35. Visceral Efferent (Motor) Pathways through Pterygopalatine Fossa
  36. External Ear
  37. External, Middle, and Internal Ear
  38. Tympanic Membrane
  1. Middle Ear: Schematic View
  2. Internal Ear
  3. Infratemporal Region: Muscles of Mastication
  4. Infratemporal Region: Muscles
  5. Infratemporal Region: Arteries
  6. Infratemporal Region: Nerves, Part 1
  7. Infratemporal Region: Nerves, Part 2
  8. Parasympathetic Innervation of Salivary Glands
  9. Pterygopalatine Fossa: Gateways
  10. Pterygopalatine Fossa: Nerves
  11. Pharynx: Posterior View of Muscles
  12. Pharynx: Lateral View of Muscles
  13. Pharynx: Midsagittal Section
  14. Pharynx: Posterior View, Opened
  15. Larynx: Overview
  16. Larynx: Cartilage and Ligaments
  17. Larynx: Superior View of Vocal Ligaments
  18. Larynx: Posterior View
  19. Larynx: Laryngoscopic Images
  20. Larynx: Intrinsic Muscles
  21. Larynx: Nerves
  22. Nasal Cavity: Paranasal Sinuses
  23. Radiographs: Nasal Cavities and Paranasal Sinuses
  24. CT: Nasal Cavities and Paranasal Sinuses
  25. Nasal Cavity: Nasal Septum
  26. Nasal Cavity: Lateral Wall, Bones
  27. Nasal Cavity: Lateral Wall, Mucosa, and Openings
  28. Nasal Cavity: Arteries
  29. Nasal Cavity: Nerves
  30. Oral Cavity: Overview
  31. Oral Cavity: Floor
  32. Oral Cavity: Tongue
  33. Oral Cavity: Sublingual Glands
  34. Oral Cavity: Glands
  35. Oral Cavity: Salivary Gland Nerves
  36. Oral Cavity: Soft Palate (Overview)
  37. Oral Cavity: Palate, Arteries, and Nerves
  1. Oral Cavity: Teeth
  2. Neck: Triangles
  3. Neck: Fascia
  4. Neck: Superficial Veins
  5. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Infrahyoid Muscles
  6. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Carotid System
  7. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Glossopharyngeal Nerve
  8. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Vagus Nerve
  9. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Hypoglossal Nerve, and Ansa Cervicalis
  10. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Anterior View Thyroid
  11. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Posterior View Thyroid
  12. Neck: Posterior Triangle, Muscles
  13. Neck: Posterior Triangle, Nerves
  14. Base of Neck
  15. Base of Neck: Arteries
  16. Base of Neck: Lymphatics


  1. Back Surface Anatomy
  2. End of Spinal Cord: Lumbar Puncture
  3. Thoracic Skeletal Landmarks
  4. Heart Valve Auscultation
  5. Lung Auscultation 1
  6. Lung Auscultation 2
  7. Referred Pain: Heart
  8. Inguinal Hernia I
  9. Inguinal Hernia II
  10. Inguinal Hernia III
  11. Referred Abdominal Pain
  12. Female Perineum
  13. Male Perineum
  14. Gluteal Injection Site
  15. Femoral Triangle Surface Anatomy
  16. Popliteal Fossa
  17. Tarsal Tunnel
  18. Lower Limb Pulse Points
  19. Upper Limb Pulse Points
  20. Head and Neck Pulse Points


  1. Brain: Base of Brain Cranial Nerves
  2. Spinal Cord
  3. Spinal Nerve
  4. Heart Sympathetics
  5. Gastrointestinal Sympathetics
  6. Parasympathetics
  7. Parasympathetic Ganglia
  8. Pelvic Autonomics


  1. Mediastinum: CT Images, Axial Plane
  2. Mediastinum: CT Images, Axial Plane
  3. Mediastinum: CT Images, Axial Plane
  4. Stomach and Duodenum: Double-Contrast Radiograph
  5. Jejunum and Ileum: Radiograph
  6. Large Intestine: Radiograph, Using Barium
  7. Liver: Abdominal CT Scan with Contrast, in Axial Plane
  8. Pancreas: Abdominal CT Scan with Contrast, in Axial Plane
  9. Male Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial Plane
  10. Male Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial Plane
  11. Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Sagittal
  12. Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Coronal
  13. Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial
  14. Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial

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